Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy Birthday to Daniel and Happy 50th to Gary in a few day!

We hope you both have a great birthday. Even though I wished Laree happy birthday on the phone I will also say Happy Birthday again.

Sounds like we missed a great party in Brigham City. I hear that Brant had a good game. That is awesome.

We are all doing great. Work is picking up. We are looking forward to coming to Brigham City to watch Brant and Kyler play during Presidents weekend. Hopefully, work won't keep me in Meridian.

We love all of you. We are so greatful to belong to such a great family. Sorry we have not posted for awhile. I will do a better job this year of writing. It is my news year resolution to write more often on the blog. I know we all get busy. It is fun to read the posts.

I thought I would share an experience that happened to me about October. After the new Bishop was called he gave his initial talk to the ward. He asked each of us to be a temple going people and promised that we would be blessed for doing so. As I listened to him speak, I had the distinct impression that he was talking to me. I have not been a very frequent temple attender in the past. I ususally went 6 to 12 times a year. When this impression came over me, I decided to comit to go each week while the bishop is the bishop. It has been a very rewarding experience. Each week I attend I feel the spirit. I have time to ponder in the Celestial room and still make it to work before I usually arrive. I know that I am very lucky to live so close to the temple and to have this opportunity. I know that everyone cannot take advantage of this type of opportunity but I want you to know that the Temple is an incredible place to receive peace and refuge. It was amazing the other day while I was there, I was sitting in the temple and decided to stay a little longer. Finally, when I went to leave, I noticed a brother coming into the temple. As we approached each other, I recognized him as one of the missionaries that was in my first apartment on my mission in Mulhouse. I said Elder Aldous how are you doing? He said, you are better at names than me. I said no problem because I probably had changed the most. It was nice to chat with him for a few minutes. As I left the temple, I pondered my decision to linger a little longer and the blessing it gave me to say hi to one of my old missionary buddies. I am thankful for the temple and especially for my wife who has been a great inspiration and example to me in many ways and most notably is in temple attendance. She is a hard act to keep up with.

Thanks for being such a great family. I couldn't have hand picked a better one. I am thankful for the love that we share. I am happy and sad for Diane at this time. I am sad that they couldn't work things out together and seek a gospel solution. However, I am happy that she is trying to make a change in her life and hopefully she will be able to make a difference. My prayers go out on her behalf.

Love Always,



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