Sunday, November 1, 2009

How is the family?

Well two months left of 2009 and they are some of my favorite months of the year. We had a lot of fun for Halloween. We carved pumpkins. We did an okay job and wished Derek was with us as he always does such an awesome job with pumpkins. I am getting excited for Thanksgiving and Kyler's Eagle Scout Court of honor. We have a lot of things ahead of us from a work, family and life standpoint. We are planning a little get away this weekend to the Menlove's cabin in Garden Valley. Michele, Chelsea, Macy will be taking a quick trip to Provo to see Josalyn in her fall concert at BYU. I have my favorite campout of the year coming up the weekend of the 13th and 14th. We are going to Bruneau Sand Dunes. If any one else wants to come, please do. We would love to have some other scouts of the family come and climb the highest sand dune in north america. Thanksgiving will be the next big event and then another quick trip to Provo to watch Josalyn's Christmas concert. I will have quarter end and then Christmas. I am not looking forward to Chelsea, Charlie and Macy leaving our home. I am going to try to slow the clock down. It has been a very enjoyable and fun experience having them in our home. What a treat for grandparents. I now will never question why grandparents let their kids move back home. I have been in heaven. It is so much fun to see your grandchild develop and grow right before your eyes. Christmas will be fun as I think I will be off work again from the day before Christmas to New Years.

Karen, congratulations on your weight loss. I am still trying to lose the cruise weight yet alone another 90+ pounds but I will try to follow your example. I am in the first week of my diet and am getting close to my pre cruise weight so I will only have 90 to go also. My goal is to be there by the end of 2010.

I am enjoying basketball and racquetball. It has been fun having Charlie as a basketball and racquetball partner. It makes playing a lot easier. The only problem is that he is now winning more games than me each time we play.

Laree, good to hear about your heart. I hope you regain your strength. I am not suggesting that you have sleep apnea but sometimes sleeping disorders can cause you to be tired. See if the doctor believes this is a possibility if the other is ruled out.

Mom and Dad, way to go on figuring out the blog. It sounds like you have been very busy. I need you to come to Boise again as things always get done when you are here. :-) We appreciate all you do when you come and it means a lot. Thanks for always supporting our children.

Kaitlyn did well in her Band Competition. They finished 4th out of the big school bands and most likely 5th or 6th overall the bands.

We look forward to Thanksgiving! We love all of you!

The Mecham's in Meridian


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