Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to My Mom, Wife, Sisters, Sister-in-law and daughter and nephew's wife!


I want to wish Mom a wonderful and Happy Mother's Day. I love you so much! Thanks for all you do, have done, and will yet do to help keep me on the straight and narrow path. You have been a great mother. Thank you for all you have done, I love you, and you are okay! These are the 3 things we learned that we should express to our mother. So I am following the counsel of our youth speaker today.

Mom can you believe you have been a mother for almost 52 years. That is a long time. You have done an incredible job. I know that 49 years of your mothering has had to deal with a stubborn son at times okay maybe more often than I should have been. Yes, I remember well the groundings, the spankings, and the stern rebukes that helped change my behavior for the better but I mostly remember the times we sat and talked while we shelled pees, or your presence at my ball games, helping me get my Eagle and other awards, always encouraging me to do my best. I remember you always being there for my kids births, baptisms, priesthood ordinations, mission farewells, graduations, marriages, (And I hope you will be to two more in the next couple of years.) :-)

Mom, I hope you enjoy a wonderful day. Your example is one to seek to follow. I know in doing so, I will find myself in good places and doing good things.

I love you!

To Chelsea and Stepahnie may you also have a wonderful day and may you know that I admire all your early mothering skills. You are just starting out and you are establishing your own mothering skills and rely a little on your mother's or mother-in-laws and that is okay. You will find what works for you and you will soon realize that each child takes different techniques but there is always a few common threads that you will always rely on such as love, prayer, the gospel and patience.

To Karen, Laree and Robyn, you are great mothers. You have done very well. It is a pleasure to see your children want to follow your example and stay close to you and your teachings. May they always cherish you and continue to strive to follow your examples because in so doing they will find the true joy and happiness in this life.

Last but not least, I want Michele to know how much I appreciate your example and your love for our children and grandchild and me. I am so happy to have the opportunity to be your eternal companion. I look forward to our days we have together in this life as well as the life to come. You are certainly the better half in our marriage and I am glad our children have chosen to emulate your great qualities in their lives.

I love all of you so much and appreciate my association with all of you!

Nieces and Nephews, Cherish your mothers. Follow them in exactness and with obedience and you will receive the blessings of our Father in Heaven.

Macy, Shawn and Max,

Love your mothers and give them big hugs and kisses because they love you and sacrifice much so that they can be your mommies.

Happy Mother's Day!



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