For all you weight loss people I have a really good website you can join. I have a friend who is a trainer. We have been working out together for a couple months. It has been really great (at least for me!) Anyway she told me about the website called It has a calorie counter, healthy recipes, exercise ideas and lots of people on that give ideas. It's really fun and it's free!
Thought I'd add some pictures this time. The first two are at Annie's baptism. Cute girls! The next one is Annie's basketball team. We are amazed at how tall she is growing lately! The next one is of Kyler and his good friend Shad. This is when they won the state AAU basketball championships. The next one is of Jarom getting his arrow of light last week. Brant's update is that he was named all-state honorable mention. He is playing varsity and JV baseball which is really busy. Like four nights a week he has games. Also his uniform is all white and is really awful for me to keep clean. I've used two whole bottles of spray already!!!! Keith is one week away from finishing his college class. This is a huge relief because it is his last class. He now has his internship that he was hoping to do next fall. However, they have announced that our school district has to cut 5.4 million dollars to next year's budget. This will probably mean no more internships. We will just have to wait and see what happens. Hope everyone has a great week and think spring!! The snow has to go sometime.
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