So Karen, my most favoratist mother-in-law:) told me that you all had a blog! This is seriously the greatest idea and invention since toilet paper! Well as for the boys and I, well lets see....we don't see Chase much since he bought the Harley, but Shawn and Max are busy as ever. Shawn has learned to pretty much sell us on anything he feels like he needs or even remotely wants! Max is repeating words that we say to him, which is way exciting and scary at the same time. Chase is doing awesome in his store, they made plan today at like 2:00pm! So yay for him! We are still working on our home, well planning on working on it;) It's been really hard to be motivated since the weather is so crummy. But I can't imagine how much harder it will be when it is nice outside! Wish us luck! Shawner's is hanging out on the bike, hoping he will get to ride it soon! Not for another couple years;)
It feels like we got lots of time in with Grandpa Pretty and Pappy this week. Well, not so much Pappy as much, but we did get to play with Kayden and Kenz! We went up on Wednesday so I could go to Karen's AWESOME enrichment activity. The counselor I went to was speeking and of course I couldn't miss that! We decided to spend the night and leave in the morning at 6:30 to make the hour and a half drive home so Chase could go to work. As always, we had tons of fun just hanging out and chatting and dreaded going home:( Thanks for putting up with our craziness Grandma Pretty! Thought I throw in a pict of Chasie on his toy! Just look at his HUGE grin:) He has taken me on 2 rides, and I have to admit, it's super fun!
Well my mom goes in for surgery on Monday, and I am just way anxious to see what is going on. For those of you who haven't heard, she has been sick for about a year straight now, and the doctors have not been able to pin it down to one thing. It started out like a flu that just didn't want to go away and since she has had a really hard time eating and drinking. She has lost about 12lbs in the last two weeks alone. They have done one surgery a few months back thinking that it was her gall blatter that was the issue. So they removed that and nothing changed. She improved for about a week and then the same simptoms started occurring. The last cast scan they did showed that she had tumors in her intestine and that there were dark spots on her pancreous. So on Monday they will be doing exploratory surgery to remove the tumors and make sure they aren't cancerous and to see what the dark spots are as well. We are doing a fast for her tomorrow and if anyone would like to join, you are welcome to. I just pray every night that everything will be fine. I know that it may or may not go the way I want it to, but I trust my Heavenly Father to take care of her.
Thanks momma K for letting me know about this great way to keep in touch! Love you all!
Love~Chase, Steph, Shawn & Max
Ok...those pics are soooo cute. You need to show me how to do that. I can't belive how far away Shawn's arms are from those bike handles. I think he's got more than a few years before he can ride that. Can't you just see him taking his date to the prom on that thing. You'll have to get a cute sequened (sp???) helmet that she could wear. Just don't let Kenzie decorate it. You know she comes up with some pretty creative embelishments. Let us know when you hear how your mom's sergery went. We are all praying for her. Give the boys lots of Grammie K kisses. Love you....
Grandma Pretty
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