Saturday, January 31, 2009

8th Klondike under the Belt

I enjoyed a great Klondike Derby for the 8th time in the past 9 years as a scoutmaster. It was a blast. The weather was near perfect except a little cold. All the boys slept in snow caves and us leaders slept in a heated tent until everyone was sleeping so soundly that no one stoked the fire. I was still very warm because I followed my rule of two sleeping bags, stocking cap and a good foam pad. My scouts did very well. They place 3rd place overall in the patrol competitions. In the individual knot tying event they finished 1st, 2nd and two of them tied for 3rd. I also had one scout finish 7th and one finihs 10th. I am sure they are suspecting something since I ran the knot tying event. I can promise everyone that they each only had two chances. However, I let the other scouts have as many times as they wanted to try and beat my boys. Two did do better than my fifth place finish and he got bumped to 7th.

It was a very fun activity. I am tired and am ready for a nice warm bed.

Sleeping with snoring adults doesn't allow for good sound sleep. I don't see how Michele put up with it for so long with me. I am glad she did and I am also glad I did something about it so that I don't keep people up snoring.

I love all of you! How did Brant do this week?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Stake Conference

We just had our Stake Conference this week. We have an amazing Stake President. He talked to us about food storage and stated that if our budget only allows 1 extra can of food a week then that is okay. He also stressed the importance of making time for the Lord's work ie. temple attendance, callings etc. He stated that if we would make sure to take the time to do the Lord's work then he would bless us and keep us safe during this crisis. He gave our stake a blessing and blessed us with the Lord's protection, he blessed that our community would prosper, that we are in good times and prosper financially and that everything we desire would come to pass as long as we are faithful. He also stated that he felt and knew that the Savior was at our stake conference. He also gave us a quote from a member of the seventies who gave training to stake presidents a couple of months ago. He stated that everyone thinks that the US is in trouble but he said that in the Book of Mormon over 250 times it stated that this land would prosper. He said to keep faith in that because the Lord will bless this land.

We hope that all of you are doing well. We pray for you daily. Bryan & Michele, our prayers are with Laurie and hope that she receives a miracle whatever that miracle is from the Lord.

Love the Packard's

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I am very happy!

For the first time, I have all the birthday's of my family in one place. Maybe I can do a better job of not forgetting them now. We are just missing Diane and John's wedding date. Thanks for using the blog. It is fun to to see the family comments.

I am teaching at University of Scouting tomorrow. I am teaching two knot classes and one class on planning the annual calendar in one hour or less. This should be fun. I can't wait until tomorrow at 8:30 PM (Saturday) as my wife comes home. Playing Single Dad is not a very good thing. I truly appreciate and love my wife and understand why the Lord has commanded us to be a family.

I love all of you!

Good night!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Family Info

I have placed a restriction on who can see our blog to only our family. You will enter the blog with your gmail e-mail address and your gmail password. If you want to invite your kids to see the blog, send me their e-mail addresses and I will include them in the permission. Karen, I still need some birthday information for Stephanie and your grand kids. I also need you to confirm Shawn and Kayden's birth date. I am sure I can find it but I want to see if you are getting more experienced on this blog! :-)

Brant picture

Brant picture

Keith and Robyn Family Birthdays

Keith- Dec 25th
Robyn- March 21st
Brant- Sept 15th
Kyler- April 6th
Jarom- April 3rd
Annie- Nov 2nd
Tegan- May 14th

K&R Anniversary August 3rd, 1990

We hope everyone is well and enjoying the week. Especially those in warmer climates, we are jealous!! Like Karen said the Bees lost last night and they have a bye this Friday, so they are done for the week. Keith and I are actually going on a date Friday night. It is too bad that we are going to watch Mtn Crest play somebody for scouting purposes, but maybe I'll get dinner out of it!! We also hated to hear about Laurie. I'm so glad that Michele is able to spend this time with her. We send our prayers and love your way!

Not sure where this is going to land????

Just thought I would post and see where this landed. Last time I posted, it ended up under a post that Robyn sent that didn't we'll see if I'm any smarter this time.
Sorry about the game Brant and Keith. I thought we might have them a few times but then it would get away from us. But as looked really cute Brant.")
I had a dream last night that we were on the cruse and we all had waterbeds. I thought that was really weird but more weird than that is the fact that this is the 2nd time I've had a dream about a waterbed this week. What do you think that means? Anyway...I'm excited about the trip and the time we'll get to spend together. to run. I'm sure my wax has melted by now. By the way....I added a new product to my line. Purses. I know....doesn't really go with candles but I like them and I just got three orders in and they are darling. I better get them into stores before I have one for every day of the month. We'll see how it goes.
Bryan, we are all keeping Laurie in our hearts and prayers....and Michele too. This must be really hard. We all love her and her family. (Spencer) feels like part of our family. Let us know when you'll be having a family fast so we can join with you.
Lots of Love...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A day of little miracles.

I share with you something I wrote on the Stucki Blog tonight. Prayers are being answered.

I have a different perspective on life since January 15th and it is for the better. I love all of you.

I hope you don't mind that I share this on our Blog.

Little miracles are happening. We just need to recognize them and share them. As most of you know, Southwest Airlines has lowered their fares for three days to 50% of the original price to Seattle. This is a great blessing. We can book flights for those who can go help at Laurie and Gary's for half the price clear up until May.

As we knelt down to pray tonight and read scriptures, I told the kids that I was just going to open the scriptures and see what the Lord had to tell us tonight. I share with you the verses of Moroni 7 where the book opened. I can only say that I love these scriptures and have a warm feeling in my heart and a renewed strength that we are being watched over.

Moroni 7: 25 -33 "25 Wherefore, by the ministering of aangels, and by every word which proceeded forth out of the mouth of God, men began to exercise faith in Christ; and thus by faith, they did lay hold upon every good thing; and thus it was until the coming of Christ.26 And after that he came men also were asaved by faith in his name; and by faith, they become the bsons of God. And as surely as Christ liveth he spake these words unto our fathers, saying: cWhatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in faith believing that ye shall receive, behold, it shall be done unto you.27 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, have amiracles ceased because Christ hath ascended into heaven, and hath sat down on the right hand of God, to bclaim of the Father his rights of mercy which he hath upon the children of men?28 For he hath answered the ends of the law, and he claimeth all those who have faith in him; and they who have faith in him will acleave unto every good thing; wherefore he badvocateth the cause of the children of men; and he dwelleth eternally in the heavens.29 And because he hath done this, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased? Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither have aangels ceased to minister unto the children of men.30 For behold, they are subject unto him, to minister according to the word of his command, showing themselves unto them of strong faith and a firm mind in every form of agodliness.31 And the office of their ministry is to call men unto repentance, and to fulfil and to do the work of the covenants of the Father, which he hath made unto the children of men, to prepare the way among the children of men, by declaring the word of Christ unto the achosen vessels of the Lord, that they may bear testimony of him.32 And by so doing, the Lord God prepareth the way that the aresidue of men may have bfaith in Christ, that the Holy Ghost may have place in their hearts, according to the power thereof; and after this manner bringeth to pass the Father, the covenants which he hath made unto the children of men.33 And Christ hath said: aIf ye will have bfaith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is cexpedient in me." Gary and Laurie, we love you and your family and pray for these miracles that have not ceased even though Christ has ascended to his Father. We need to continue to write down the little things that are happening. I understand that the Relief Society of the Lacey first ward brought over a nice dinner tonight for the Clark's. May our hearts be strengthened and our faith increased as we recognize these blessings that are being sent our way. I think the biggest blessing is to have a doctor that is acting quickly to administering the treatment that will start to eradicate the cancer from Laurie. Good luck the next few days as Laurie undergoes treatment.Our prayers are with you!Love, Bryan and Michele

Monday, January 19, 2009

Back Safely in Meridian

Hello Everyone,

We are back safely in Meridian. Well at least the girls and me. Michele is staying in Lacey until Saturday. This is a new trial for us and a difficult one as we have watched Laurie this week be affected by the cancer and the medication she is taking for her headaches. Later today they will be doing a few more tests and she will get her prognosis. We know that Medically she most likely will not be healed. However, through the priesthood blessings and fasting and prayers maybe just maybe the Lord with give us a Miracle. I have already seen many blessings that have happened just in the short time that I have been with the Clark family this weekend. In my blessing to Gary on Friday night the spirit prompted me to let Gary know that angels would comfort his sons that were on Missions and at school. I told him that some would be earthly angels and others would be heavenly. I will have to forward Ben's letter of today to you so that you can see it the blessing of an earthly angel occured this week. Yes, God truly does live and directs individuals in many ways. There have been a lot of little things happen that encourage us to have faith and to commit ourselves to living a better life and a more righteous life. I pray that we see a miracle.

Please keep Laurie in your prayers and also her family. They will appreciate them. I can't even imagine the pain and sorrow that would come from losing a sibling. I know it will happen someday but I hope that someday comes in our old age. In the meantime, we need to cherish the time we have together. I have realized as I sat in the temple that families will be forever if we all commit to do the will of the Father and His Son.

I love you!

Bryan, I couldn't figure out how to add the birthdays.

Gary-January 13
Emmalynn- September 17
Daniel-January 11

Our anniversary is September 6, 2003.

Sorry to hear about Laurie. We will keep her in our prayers and on the prayer roll at the Idaho Falls Temple. Keep us informed of family fasts on her behalf. We would love to be a part of it. Take care and we love you.


PS. Bryan, I figured it out so I posted these dates already.

Update Birthday and Wedding Anniversaries

Hello everyone!

I have added a birthday list and a wedding anniversary list. I need your help to update the lists. I have given each of you admin rights so that you can also improve the blog as we go forward. I am sure we will have fun figuring this out. All you need to do is either go to customize tab or click on the little tool icon just next to the two lists and you can add or edit the information that I have already in the lists. You can also move the entries so they are in chronological order. If you can't figure that out, I can do it. It is the little arrows that are next to the edit/remove tabs next to the entry once you add it. If you can't figure it out. Just type in the information in a blog post and I will take care of it. This is going to be fun to be able to see everyone's birthdate. Maybe this will help me remember.

You will find the lists at the bottom of the blog. Just scroll down and you will see the additions.

Have a great week.

Love, Bryan

Hello From Lacey, Washington

We have had a wonderful time here in Lacey. It has been a great experience to be here this week. I reflect back on the day I purchased the tickets and realize now the hand of God. It was late at night and I was finishing up on the computer when a Southwest Airline deal popped up. I entered all the information to come to Lacey and realized I better check with my wife before booking. When I went into ask her she was asleep. When I went back to the computer, I had a strong impression to buy the tickets and just keep it a secret from Michele and the kids. I thought about telling them where we were going at Christmas and then decided not to. I did let them know we were going on a trip but didn't let them know where until we were at the airport. When Gary and I talked just before coming and he shared the news and the test results that Laurie had been through this past week, I was truly amazed that we were already on a flight to be with them during this time of concern. Laurie has stage 4 breast cancer that has spread to her brain, liver, lung and pelvic area. It is going to take a miracle for her to be healed.

We arrived Thursday night and had a wonderful dinner at Olive Garden. Friday we spent time just being together at the house. Laurie, Michele and the girls went to a bead place to buy some fun beads. The bishopric came by at around 5:00 PM and we had a nice visit with them. What a wonderful bishopric Laurie and Gary have. Gary gave a blessing to Laurie. The spirit was very strong. It was a beautiful blessing. I gave Gary a blessing. It was one of the most powerful experiences of my life. It is a blessing that I will never forget. Gary gave Spencer a blessing also. The spirit was definitely felt in the Clark home that night.

I know that the correct steps are being taken to care for Laurie's health and with our united faith we will witness miracles in our lives as we love and support Laurie and Gary and their family during this time of trial.

We enjoyed some good Indian food that night and came home and went to bed for an early wake up on Saturday.

Saturday found Gary, Bryan, Spencer and Kaitlyn off to the temple to do Baptisms for the dead at 5:30 AM. Michele and Laurie joined us around 10:00 AM. We went through a session while the kids went to Spencer's cousins. It was wonderful being in the temple. This world is very small in the church. As we were in the prayer circle, I looked up and saw Zane Williams (Coach William's son) in the prayer circle with us. We enjoyed being in the celestial room together and to feel the warm spirit there. After the temple we enjoyed a nice visit to downtown Seattle. We had a nice dinner at the Brazialian Restaurant. We tried 16 different types of BBQ meat fruit and enjoyed a wonderful salad bar. The meats consisted of Pork Loin, Wild Boar, Buffalo, Chicken, Ribeye, House Sirloin, Garlic Sirloin, Bacon Wrapped Turkey, Bacon Wrapped Steak, sausage, pork rib, shrimp, pepper steak, roasted pineapple, cheese steak. The only think we didn't have was the Beef Rib. We enjoyed the atmosphere. The servers just came around with these big skewers of meat and would cut a slice off for us to take. It was delicious. The kids really enjoyed it. We had to be rolled out of the restaurant.

Today found us at church. The meetings were great. The lessons were exceptional and the speakers did a great job on the importance of scripture reading and studying them more. One of the speakers spoke about the importance of having good soil and letting the seeds of the scriptures sink deep and take root and be fertilized and nourished to bring forth much fruit. We are truly blessed to be in a family where we see this in action. It is a wonderful feeling to know that your brother and sisters are trying to do the Lord's will and are bring forth much fruit. What a strength it is to us. I believe we will need to continue to show our faith and comittment to the Lord as we ask for a miracle in the life of the Clark family. May we unite our prayers and faith and show our good works to our Father in Heaven that he may grant the miracle we seek.

We enjoyed some sushi tonight but it was not the greatest due to too much water in the rice. We enjoyed it anyway and enjoyed some good miso soup. Kaitlyn and Spencer made some good deserets. Kaitlyn made and apple pudding cake and Spencer made a coconut bread. Time passes way to fast. I wish we could hold back the clock. We will enjoy tomorrow with the Clark's before Brielle, Kaitlyn and I return to Boise. Michele is going to stay here in Seattle until Saturday until her parenets can get here.

We love all of you.


Thursday, January 15, 2009


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mom is becoming a blogger expert!

I have helped mom become a blogger tonight. I think she is getting the hang of it. This will be fun to read everyone's news. Congratulations Keith and Brant on a great win tonight! I heard Brant played great!

This is an experiment.

I think I am now a blogger. It is way past my bed time so maybe I will have all night to think about ig.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We had a great time this past holiday season. We loved having all the kids at home and our precious grand daughter. We also enjoyed having Mom and Dad with us during the holidays. We had so much fun doing puzzles, playing cards, playing the Wii, eating great food, watching Brielle be baptized, swimming at the hot pool, playing racquetball, and many other fun and wonderful things. Okay, cleaning the garage probably made the bottom of the list but it is nice to have room again in the garage. We have dad to thank for pushing us to do a little work through the holidays.

I am taking Michele, Kaitlyn and Brielle on a fun getaway Thursday night until Monday. They don't know for sure where we are going. I am keeping them guessing right up until we catch the plane.

We love all of you! Good luck in all you do this week.
Well I have never done blogging so this will be fun. Just an update on me, BYU is going great! I think this is going to be a very great, but very hard semester. It is weird getting back into the habit of studying vs. washing hair :) I have applied to 3 more salons so hopefully I will be working in a salon soon. Keep your fingers crossed! I love you all and hope things are going great!

Birthday Week

Today we finished off our week of birthdays. I started off with a birthday on the 6th. Gary's father's birthday is the 7th, Daniel's birthday is the 11th and today was Gary's birthday (13th). We just think this is one big party week. We are getting a little tired of birthday cake but still managed to eat some tonight.
We hope that all of you are having a great week. Good luck with you basketball games this week Keith & Brant.

We Love all of you
The Packards

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Welcome to the Mecham Family Stories Blog Spot

I hope each of you will accept the invitation and post stories, pictures, events and many other fun things. I know we are all busy but it would be fun to write things now and again so that we can all stay connected.

Call me if you need help getting on the site. Karen, please invite Chase and Stephanie to join. I don't believe I have their e-mail but once I have it I will include them as an author too.

I love all of you very much and hope we can have fun with our family blog.